الجمعة، 28 سبتمبر 2012

Shalit attends the classico

I have sent the below letter to FCBarcelona club today:
I have read different reports indicate that your club has invited the Israeli soldier “Gilad Shalit” to watch the classico game against Real Madrid and to be honored by the club. Today only, I have read on your official website, your official note about this invitation, and that you as a club, did not invite him, but accepted his request to watch the game, and you have accepted a request from three Palestinians at the same time to attend the same match. Let me take advantage of this event and try to enlighten some important points here.
First of all I would like you to know that I don’t have any doubt of your good well , and good intention as well , but on the other hand you should know the full truth and our opinion as Arab fans .
The soldier Shalit was captured during the attacking actions of the Israeli army against the Palestinian people in Gaza stripe in 2006, this soldier is not a hero nor a victim, despite the fact that the propaganda of Israel is trying to put him in such a position.
There are hundreds of thousands, literally hundreds of thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israel prisons, civilian people (men, women and children) who are suffering, and no one is giving them any attention. Those are the real victims not Gilad Shalit.
These prisoners could not express their feelings toward your club, because no one asked them! They do not have the luxury to follow your club and watch its games, while Shalit had this opportunity during his capture period!
Shalit was released in 2011, and in return, Israel released more than one thousand Palestinian prisoners! You may ask why could one soldier worth more than 1000? It is very simple, because the Palestinian side has captured only Gilad Shali, while the Israeli army is committing the arrestment of the Palestinian farmers, students, and workers on daily basis without any guilt.
You can refer to the United Nations official records and statistics of the Palestinian cause , and you will recognize the truth very easily , ask for the numbers of the Palestinians who have been killed , or have been captured and taken to prisons , ask about the numbers of the Palestinian people who still live in refugee camps in the near countries like Syria , Lebanon and Jordan , ask for the numbers of the Palestinian children who lost their parents by soldiers like Shalit , try to collect some information , some basic information about the Palestinian people and you will realize who Shalit truly is !!!!

Ayman Y. AbuLaban

الأربعاء، 5 سبتمبر 2012

مدير حسابات

لما سلمت مشروعي الأخير لأحد البنوك المرموقة ، تناقشت مع أحد المسؤوولين في الادارة المالية حول المطابقات اليومية للحسابات ، وبعدما استمر النقاش فترة طويلة بدون ما يستوعب كلامي حبيت ابسط الكلام ، فسألته سؤال بديهي : لو كان عنا حساب مدين بميلغ 300 وبدنا اياه يصير دائن ب 200 شو الحركة اللي بنعملها ، فجاوبني 100 دائن !!!! عبثا حاولت اقنعه انو لازم نعمل حركة دائن 500 وفي النهاية قاللي اذا بدك انفذ الحركات زي ما طلبت مني رح انفذها بس انا مش مقتنع ، وانت بتتحمل المسؤولية !!!

للأسف حال القطاع الخاص مش افضل بكثير من القطاع العام او الحكومي ، والفساد ونقص الكفاءات موجود في كل مكان ، انا متأكد من انو في ناس كتير كفؤين وبيتمنوا انو يكونو في مكان هذا الشخص ، بس للأسف الحياة عمرها ما كانت بمبي ، وسلملي على البيتنجان !!!

أيمن أبولبن